Monday, September 16, 2013

Are Guns the Answer to Personal Safety

Author: Alexander T. Date: Sept 16th., 2013 Country of Residence: Canada

No, guns are not the answer. Gun violence is glorified by the media. Guns should never be the first choice, when resolving physical violence between two people.

A perfect example of this is in the movie I recently watched called, Groupie. In the end the killer, a woman, attempts to kill the rock star, with a knife. His wife is tied with duck tape, to a chair, and manages to free herself.

When she frees herself, instead of attempting to get the knife off the other woman, she runs upstairs, retrieves a gun, and kills the other woman. This scene makes it easy to pick up a gun and defend yourself, or those you love.

This may be the easiest, and safest way to resolve a situation where one person attacks another using a knife, but there are consequences.

Although you are killing in self defense, often you are always guilty until proven innocent, despite what the laws, or policies of a company say. According to the website 1 United Nations Cyber School Bus,

"You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you are guilty. If you are accused of a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself. Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done."

Everyone does and should have the right to defend themselves and their love once's, but guns are not the answer to defending yourself from an attacker. The person that attacked you is in the wrong, but if you shoot and kill the person that attacked you, you could be held accountable, and tried for murder.

It depends what country you live, but it all boils down to the people in power, the law makers, and the policy makers in large corporations. They have to justify themselves and the jobs they do.

Your not important, like the customer is not important, in large corporations. To them your just a means to an ends. You are a number, and nothing more. It is the way society everywhere, evolved, and won't change unless the people all over the world fight, and make changes to the way that government and corporations are run.

When I took accounting courses in college, the instructor would include a small lesson in ethics. After the demise of companies like Nortel, ethics began to play a more prominent roll in education.

Ethics is about being fair and just to your fellow human beings. Unfortunately, many people in positions of power ignore ethics. They put on a show for the public, and it doesn't matter what they do. They are in business to fluff up their feathers and make themselves look good. There not in it for the benefit of themselves, and to help others. They take the attitude, "Its just business." Don't feel bad, its nothing personal.

Its like when you were a kid, someone would make it to the top of a snow pile and shout, "I'm the king of the castle and your the dirty rascal!".

Guns play a large part in American society. They represent freedom to do whatever you want, and the power to control your own destiny. According to the United States constitution, all American's are allowed to carry guns. Almost all 44 states incorporate a clause that states, "Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state." 2

The second amendment, adopted in December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Bill of Rights, allowed citizens of the United States to bear arms in English Common Law, which was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. It was defined by Sir William Blackstone, as a right supporting the right of natural self defense, to resist the excess of authority in the abuse of power 3, and the civic duty to act in defense of the state or country.

Everyone has the right to defend themselves and their families; however, everyone should not have the right to bear harms. When it comes to the defense of your country, it should be your choice. You should never be forced into military service to support your country, as part of your civic duty. No-one should be forced to do anything they don't want to.

There are some people who incapable of making rational life and death decisions, and never should be allowed to carry a gun. It is impossible to judge what a person will do, when confronted with a situation involving life and death. Many people have psychological conditions, if there conditions are not controlled, it places everyone is at risk; therefore, not everyone should have the right to bear arms. The only people that should be allowed to bear harms, are authorities, and special licenses should be granted to hunters.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about gun violence. Generally, most Canadians feel the same. In Canada we are allowed to own rifles but it has to be licensed and you have to have a hunting license to go hunting with it, hand guns are more strictly controlled, you have to have a special permit, be registered, and be part of a gun club, and your only allowed to carry the hand gun between your home and the club.

If your an American, think twice before buying a gun for personal protection. Take a moment to think about all the children that died at schools, at the hands of a mad men.

Guns are too easy. It is too easy to solve problems using a gun as a solution. Guns should never be the first consideration when resolving difficult social situations.

Notes and Citations:

i. United Nations Cyber School Bus

ii. United Nations Cyber School Bus

iii. Wikipedia

Friday, September 6, 2013

Providing Awesome Customer Service

Customers are the lifeblood of a business. Without customers a business doesn't exist. Weather it is your in business or your working for one, the customer is what drives your business, and generates the revenue. The way to generate customers, is to keep them coming back with awesome customer service.

Customer service is the act of making the customers you serve happy. There are many ways to serve the customer. Weather it is getting information, making something right, helping them with their billing or selling them a product or service they need, it is all about customer service.

It is easier to provide excellent customer service if you own the business; however, if you don't, the thing that should matter to you is the ongoing concern of the business your in. Your job is safe if you keep the business you are in safe.

If the business your in goes out of business, your part of the equation, especially in a small city, where jobs are scarce, and you need to take what you get.

Customer service is the key. A long time ago I saw a perfect example of customer service. 

Every day on my way to the office, I would walk past a coffee shop. There was a line up all the way into the mall. I couldn't believe it. The cashier was always friendly, and always greeted the customers with a smile. There was another coffee shop in the mall, but the line ups weren't as long.

Being in the customer service business for about a decade, and selling to people myself, I learned allot. The most important thing is to try and stay calm, and learn from the problems you encounter. 

Customers can be unpredictable, and they may overreact to the way you tell them something. When working with customers, be-careful what you tell them. Make sure that your facts are correct, and your providing accurate information. 

Most of my experience was on the telephone, in a call centre environment. It is different when your working with customers face to face. 

When your face to face, it is as if your meeting with someone for the first time. You need to be confident and sure of yourself, and be able to answer any question that is asked of you. You can't look things up, you must come up with answers on the fly. 

Here are some tips to providing excellent customer service, be knowledgeable about the product or service you are selling, and act professional. You need to show that your in control and know the business your in.

If you don't know something, and your face to face, tell the customer you'll find out, find the answer and come back. Know the product, and be confident when your trying to articulate your words. It is difficult to say the right things, but saying the right thing can be the difference between making the sale and losing the sale. 

When providing customer service over the phone, keep notes, and be prepared to answer any question. The most difficult part of taking phone calls is the first two weeks. Your tense, you don't know what to expect yet, but as you take more calls you become more experienced.

When providing customer service face to face, try to relax, don't think about the line up and work through your problems. Its just you and the customer. Learn to handle anything that comes up yourself. You're not always able to call on someone with a push of a button for assistance. 

Weather your providing customer service on the phone or face to face, similar situations will happen, and you need to deal with it, and remember what you did.

Customers represent revenue, and you are the middle man or woman, to making or breaking the business your serving. Customer service is the key to a successful business, but you are the reason customers come back.